:: Morning y'all! Boy oh boy am I having a hard time keeping my eyes open this morning! We've been go, go, going all week long and obviously it's caught up with me! ::
:: I'd love to get your opinion on something...I have a calendar dilemma. If you remember back in January I did this to my typical daytimer calendar, to which I have received plenty of sweet compliments about as I take it everywhere {even thought it ends up being a bit bulky}. I use it to keep phone numbers, to write sermon notes, to obviously keep commitments & appointments. Every year when I am finished with it, it gets added to the box of calendars that I have been keeping for the past 9 years. I love having a calendar to write in, I'm a bit of a book girl, so having a pen and paper on me at all times is a necessity - for some people it's not, but for me it is ::

:: So I found these super cute "momAgenda" and I fell in love...I love the look of them, but not so sure I love the design of the pages - it's not a steal of a deal like my last years Costco daytimer..but it's seriously SO cute! ::
:: Here comes the first part of the dilemma -- I keep track of all of our families events, appointments and details not only in my daytimer but also in my outlook calendar. I love outlook calendar, I can input the details of the event/function and then email it to Mr. L so he knows what is happening in our lives {HA!}. He then receives it to his Blackberry and it updates his calendar immediately, so we are on the same page - to a degree {HA, again!} ::

:: I have a flip phone, not only a flip phone but my girlfriend Trisha's old flip phone {her hubby is our local phone dealer}! When she got her Blackberry -- I got her old phone! So obviously I don't have email or calendar capabilities on my flip phone, so I've asked for a Blackberry for my birthday {coming up in November} so I can receive my emails on my phone as well as keep track of our lives on my calendar. But I'm afraid {after years} of having a "real" daytimer that I'm going to miss having my paper copy in my purse...I obviously know it's so much easier than copying things down in two places, but I'm just not sure I'm ready to be done with the daytimer. Thoughts, opinions??? ::
:: Currently the below momAgenda is on sale for 40% off - so it's just $24.00 -- I probably wouldn't get the pink one, I'm just not THAT cool! ::

:: Okay, now on to the next dilemma: Blackberry or IPhone, our carrier is coming out with the IPone in the next month or so, and I'm torn between which one I should get? ::

:: I better get to doing something productive around here, I've got a cake to design, floors to clean {more on this later} and babes to tend to! Happy Hump Day - oy, does it ever feel like it?!?! ::
Well, this girl has an iPhone and LOVES IT! I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy it, because I never realized how many great and wonderful things I could use it for. It has my life organized from email, calendar (which has been most ideal for me since I'm not great at remembering details and events), the contact info is wonderful - you just put someones info in and it's there for your GPS (for addresses), email (for all the emails), and so much more! My hubby surprised me with one in the summer and I really don't know what I would do without it. It's really helped me organize my days (and I'm an organized person, generally).
So my vote, iPhone all the way! You'll really love it!
Happy decision making.
Definitely iPhone!!!! My hubby has one and absolutely loves it! Calendar, email, maps, web browsing - so handy! Just think, if you are in a store and see a good deal, but aren't sure if you could get it cheaper at Target on your next trip south, you could just look it up, right there in the store! Very handy. I'm hoping to get one next year when my current contract expires.
I am LOVING my iPhone. But I am a mac girl. Love my mac stuff.
I have heard good stuff about the blackberry as well. For the bb messaging.
Great for keeping organized. You can almost let go of your paper journal :D
I have. For the most part. I keep a paper calendar on the counter for times when I need to write something down.
Thanks for your input girls...I'm really torn over all this!
Keep the info coming!
PS: ladies with iPhones, there is a bb messenger type app for the iPhone, it's called Ping! Just thought I would pass it along. I have yet to download it but I hear wonderful things about it.
I vote for i phone and the green agenda;) My justification is that you should always have a hard copy of life as we all know technology can blow up at any point!
My hubby has an iphone & loves it but I have to be honest - I wouldn't want one. Yes, you heard right...I am probably the only one in the world saying this. And the reason you ask?? Those touch screens are a pain in the butt if you have nails!!!! *wink* Honestly though, we had a touch screen phone at home & ended up returning it because I couldn't dial if my nails were remotely long. I don't have fancy nails by any stretch of the imagination but I wasn't going to cut them uber short so I could dial a friggin' phone. If your nails are short & kept that way...go for it.
About the day planner thing - I too am a paper & pen girl. I have a day planner that sits on my counter & my hubs writes his work hours in it when he knows them and I write reminders etc in it as well. I am TOTALLY getting one again this year...bah to technology! *smile*
I am like you..old, flip phone. SO, can't help you there. BUT, I would say that I would also keep a paper calendar. There's something about having the dates right in front of you so that you can look at it daily and see what's happening. I agree too that you never know if one day the phone gets dropped in the toilet (come on, you have boys :)) and all of "life" is then lost.
I have a calendar on my fridge...SO not pretty to look at but it's the only way I feel like I am in control of what is going on. Between work, kindergarten, preschool, dr. visits, soccer games and practices, I NEED to be able to have quick reference. I am not a fan of one day/page planners because I like to be able to see what my week/month looks like at ALL times !
Anyway, everyone will have opinions, but if you've always been a pen/paper girl, then chances are that's what you will always be...and there is NOTHING wrong with that :)
I'd go for the iPhone for sure...mj has a blackberry that is great too, but when the iPhone came out a few months after he got his I regretted not waiting...
I have long nails and find the touchscreen on my iPhone super easy. I am actually typing this on my iPhone. I'm in love with this phone. I have a blogging application, Internet, a calendar that rings/buzzes when I need reminders. It's a miracle machine. There truly is applications for everything. I have a pregnancy application that tells me how big the baby is and what's going on with it and my body. For real the coolest phone ever! I had a palm treo before that is similar to a blackberry and I'm an iPhone girl for life now. You can even put skype on your iPhone!!!
I agree with Crystal! She took the words right out of my mouth, as well as the color choice on the planner.....might just have to order one for myself!
I'm told Blackberries are better if you are emailing alot... but iPhones look more fun and have all those great apps.
I'm considering an upgrade from my lame-o flip phone as well in the next couple months.
I have an outlook calendar at work, my paper calendar in my purse, and my home calendar on the kitchen wall... and they are rarely all in sync, so maybe its time for me to get an iPhone and have it with me all the time so I know where I'm supposed to be.
Won't be able to control what the husband plans for us - I seem to find those things out 1/2 hour after they have begun :)
I am a simplistic girl! So I LOVE my blackberry!!:):) I can message my hubby really quick and check my emails ....it has all kinds of functions.I think the IPHONE must be great, but only if you really need a fancier phone with more stuff on it. As a stay at home mom,the blackberry suits me well!:) Happy decision making!
Get the iPhone.
You won't regret it.
You will love it.
It is the very best investment I have ever made towards Motherhood.
My calendar syncs to my computer. I have Internet on the go or while I'm waiting in the van, my email comes instantly. The actual contract is the same Blackberry to iPhone.... get the iPhone. Internet pages are ACTUALLY exactly like on your home computer with an iPhone, not the photo-less Blackberry pages that are so hard to navigate.
And I use the GPS thingy ALL the time and that has saved me numerous headaches.
And I love it.
And I don't regret it.
And get the full insurance cuz it's just less stressful when your toddler is playing the "tooting game" that you downloaded as a free app!
Get the iPhone. I don't know a single iPhone user who regrets it.
The other thing I love about my iPhone is this:
sermon notes, therapy notes, Christmas wish list, reminder to watch Rachel Ray, dinner ideas, grocery list, EVERYTHING is right there in my phone... wherever I am I've got it all with me. When I had paper, I had a list for my groceries (forgot it at home), had my planner (which didn't always fit in my purse), I'd get to the therapy appt. and not have THAT binder with me, or I'd have 5 minutes in the van with sleeping boys and no book... now, there is less juggling between purses and I really have all my info with my at all times. Really, get the iPhone.
I am a paper girl. I love paper. Never thought I'd use all the "silly toy apps" on an iPhone... now I can't imagine my day without it! AND, I find I spend less time on the computer at home because I can get my fix as I wait for kids or appts through the day!
iPhone. For sure!
Thanks girls for all of your input -- Mr. L is taking all things into consideration as this is supposed to be a birthday gift! :)
Blackberry! The BIM alone is a huge selling feature! I had no idea you have my old phone. Haha...I loved that phone. However, the blackberry changed my life! :)
I am JUST reading this so sorry if my input is too late.....!
I have a Blackberry and I LOVE it! Although the iPhone is totally the craze right now I think the BB is great. I really like that you can instant message (BIM) for FREE between other users and you don't pay the cost of texting. I love getting my emails on my handheld. I really just love my phone. ANY of them are great. I started with the Pearl and got used to a half-keyboard but Makena drowned it in water so I am borrowing a friends Curve which has the full-keyboard and I REALLY like it! Now I am waiting for the newest BB to launch and I will be getting that one! Can't wait!!
Oooh, I love the agenda too and was just about to checkout with it... but does it not have a clasp or closure of any kind?
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