:: So as you I'm sure guessed, I saw the season premiere of "The Bachelor" On the Wings of Love {what a corny name!} with Jake. Let me just say that Jake is lovely, he's sweet, sincere and a little bit of a loner {this worries me a bit}. At any rate, he's an all around good guy, not sure what the producers were doing by setting him up with a whole bunch of girls that were less than classy {can I just say landing strip!?!?} and filled with plastic {don't get me wrong, I have no problem with plastic..it was just everywhere on the screen on Monday night!} ::
:: So here is my synopsis, Jake is great, some of the girls not so much...he knows what he wants and he wants a wife. Now I don't know if he really knows what that means or looks like, but that will be determined in the next few weeks ::
:: My top picks for the girls {in no particular order} are these three {sorry the pics are so small, my computer revolted while I was uploading them}, you can find full size ones here ::
:: My top picks for the girls {in no particular order} are these three {sorry the pics are so small, my computer revolted while I was uploading them}, you can find full size ones here ::
:: It'll be a bumpy ride to remove the baggage on the runway of love for this Fly-Beau, but once the runway is clear for take off, it'll be a lovely smooth flight! ::