
:: Fly-Beau, The Bachelor ::

:: So as you I'm sure guessed, I saw the season premiere of "The Bachelor" On the Wings of Love {what a corny name!} with Jake. Let me just say that Jake is lovely, he's sweet, sincere and a little bit of a loner {this worries me a bit}. At any rate, he's an all around good guy, not sure what the producers were doing by setting him up with a whole bunch of girls that were less than classy {can I just say landing strip!?!?} and filled with plastic {don't get me wrong, I have no problem with plastic..it was just everywhere on the screen on Monday night!} ::

:: So here is my synopsis, Jake is great, some of the girls not so much...he knows what he wants and he wants a wife. Now I don't know if he really knows what that means or looks like, but that will be determined in the next few weeks ::

:: My top picks for the girls {in no particular order} are these three {sorry the pics are so small, my computer revolted while I was uploading them}, you can find full size ones here ::

:: Ali, 25, Advertising Account Manager -- she's home sweet home ::

:: Tenley, 25, College Admissions -- She's easy {not like that!} but she's confident and sweet, yet perfectly humble - I really like her, she's from Oregon - I have lovely girlfriends that live in Oregon, their just good girls! ::
:: Elizabeth, 29, Nanny -- She's the girl next door on steroids, not sure how confident you would have to be as a wife/mom to hire her as your Nanny! Yikes! ::

:: It'll be a bumpy ride to remove the baggage on the runway of love for this Fly-Beau, but once the runway is clear for take off, it'll be a lovely smooth flight! ::

:: Oh, and did you hear about the scandal on set with one of the producers and girls in line dating??...ah, the drama of living real life on t.v. - nobody said it would be peachy! ::


:: 243 ::

:: 243, that's how many posts I have to weed through to get up to date on my google reader. Seriously lovelies, I am so way behind it's not even funny! Let alone, the 6000 things I want to write about and post here - but that's what January is for, catching my breath, at least that's what I'm trying to do! :::: I'm going to do a brief review of my thoughts on the bachelor {new season started tonight} but I can't promise it will be highly detailed. I just don't have the time, but you'll know who I'm pulling for and who I'm throwing in the gutter {don't worry most of them have their own flotation devices so they won't drown!} ::
:: And like I said, I'll be updated {and back-dating} my posts about our birthdays {all three of us} our celebrations for Jesus' birthday & maybe I'll even get our Las Vegas post posted {all the way from June!}. In between all that I'm busy trying to line up all the wedding cakes I have this upcoming Spring/Summer as well as trying to pull Mr. L away from his job so we can take a few family vacations ::
:: Happy New Year Y'all - I have GREAT expectations of what 2010 is going to look like, and I'm sure by the end of January I'll come up with a key word that I want 2010 to be for me, so stay tuned for that, I know y'all are on the edges of your seats - I'm sure! ::

:: Today I'm off to take the biggest little boy to school, run to Costco and pick up a new day-timer...I did get my much desired Blackberry for Christmas, but I just can't do life without a paper trail, so I'm going to have to get one. I've tried Lovelies I really have - but it's now the 5th of January and I already feel lost without my best friend, I mean, day-timer ;) ::

:: Happy trails today and if you're still living out there in cyberspace please let me know you stopped by, I love visitors and the comments! ::

:: XO, *Shawna ::
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