
:: Today's To-Do List ::

Well, based on the sun being out for most of the day (based on the weather forecasters) I really don’t want to be cooped up inside – However I have a hefty T0-DO list that I must get started on!

I have not been feeling well the past few days due to this lovely head cold I acquired once we returned from Palm Springs and today is the first day I am actually feeling like myself again, so hopefully I will be able to accomplish what I have set out before me.

Here is my current TO-DO list:

Wrap Gifts (two birthday gifts for family members)
Pay Bills/Organize Budget (what budget!?!!? Just kidding)
Contact B&W Insurance re: New home insurance
Set up “House Reno Binder” (for house samples and pictures)
Pick up a few groceries
Change bedding
Finish Laundry
Organize dinner (hmmm, Tuesday night surprise?)

My parents are arriving home today sometime from their travels to California and back, so I am sure we will be spending some time with them tonight visiting plus we have a meeting with our mortgage broker to finalize the rest of the details for the house.

Some of you have been asking when we are moving - well that lovely day is coming up very quickly, we will be moving out of our current home on April 16/17 into my parents place for a month or so to give us time to do some reno's on our new place prior to moving in. But our actual move day for our furniture etc. to go to the new place will be April 19th. YIKES, better get packing!

Have a great day Ladies and hopefully I’ll get outside to enjoy the sunshine like most of you are!


Candice said...

Seems like you have had your fair share of head colds this season. I'm FINALLY starting to get over one myself...knocks the wind out of your sail that's for sure! :)

Glad you are feeling better, now "Get to Work my friend". It's a busy month ahead for you it looks like ! Let me know if I can help.

Shawna said...

Yes, that is for sure and just wait there is more!?!?!? No time for that though...I can't wait till we get out of this place - Living on one level in Palm Springs sure made me dislike these stairs once I got home!!!! I can't wait to be in a real house with a real backyard! I will let you know if there is anything you can help us with, but right now I just have to get packing!!!!

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