
:: A few changes... ::

:: I have been having some issues with what I have been eating lately -- I have found that I react poorly to some different foods - have yet to put my finger on what triggers it, but in hopes to banish the excessive bloating and random hives, I have decided to take out wheat, and pretty much all grains except Quinoa & Flax ::

:: Long story short, today I was making a batch of Quinoa up in a pot on the stove and Jacob comes to me and asks me what I am making. I say oh just some food for Mama. He looks at it, pokes it and then replies - that is not for Mama, that is for the birds! ::

:: Oh, so precious, apparently JJ and Grampie feed the birds stuff that looks just like Quinoa - HA! ::


Crystal said...

Thats funny, we are in the process of switching to organic more and more. and I feel your pain, I have suffered with food intolerances for years; its so frustrating! suzanne summers writes about it in her new book about how sometimes food intolerances can prohibit weight loss as well.
The two big things we are focusing on first is red meat until we can buy hormone and grass fed. which we are looking into buying a side of cow so its cheaper and our freezer is stocked. The other big one is glucose/fructose! its so bad for us and in so many things such as sliced bread..who knew! So good for you:)! Hope you start feeling better. and if you can get to a natropath and get allergy tested! if paul has benefits the visit should be covered; partially at least:) also I have been cooking with spelt flour and like it. it does have a bit of gluten in it though, but its better than wheat!

susan said...

I bought that same Quinoa at Costco!! I have yet to make it, I haven't even tried it before. If you have any good recipes, please do share. A friend told me that it tastes better cooked in chicken broth rather than water, guess it gives it a bit more flavour.

Good luck...bloating & hives are not fun! I get that whole bloating thing with dairy...or is that from having 3 kids & not losing the "baby" weight???

Canadian Kristin said...

We've been eating Quinoa (1/3c) + oats (1.5c) + ground flaxseed (about 2T) as porridge in the mornings. Blueberries and syrup or brown sugar on top. Yum! Most of the kids like it a fair bit! I like it quite a bit, in a hippie-birdseed sort of way! :-)

Shawna said...

Thanks for all the encouragement and letting me know that I'm not alone -- Look at you girls!

@Meghan [http://megbaxter.blogspot.com/]
posted this recipe on my wall and it is actually what I made today, have to say it's pretty freakin' good! AHHH!!!! And I substituted the sugar for stevia and it turned out famously!

Here is the recipe: http://blogs.babble.com/family-kitchen/2010/11/09/gluten-free-chocolate-quinoa-cake/

Angela B said...

Hi Shawna!
This a bit off topic but, I was wondering if you have heard about Wal-mart's new product Geogirl? Apparently the target market are girls under 12. How crazy is that?

Nadine said...

Not only is Quinoa a good substitute, it's also loaded with good stuff. I haven't found any great recipes but I love it for morning, noon, or dinner.

I have been making a bigger effort in the area of what I'm eating. It's been a week and I'm feeling better and better everyday.

Keep up the good work!!!

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