
{ It's a Beaut }

{ My Aunty Marilyn (My Mom's Sister-in-Law) is a quilter and quite an exceptional one at that! Paul and I received our first quilt when we were married almost 6 years ago. It's beautiful ~ It's made up of greens and creams, just delightful! }

{ When Jacob was born he received this one - And I adore it! }
{ This style of quilt is called "rag time" and it's my favorite by far, it looks like someone has already loved it for ages, and yet it's brand new! }{ The beautiful thread detailing and appliques }{ And here is Cole's ~ It's blue, green and has a bit of yellow and it is by far a favorite of his! He loves to drown in the warmth of it. }

{ Jacob's had hearts and Cole's has stars - She takes pictures of each one so she can keep track of each quilt...see told you she was a pro! }

{ Thanks Aunty Marilyn for all your time and effort you put into our quilts ~ If our house were burning down, they would be one of the things I would grab, after of my children of course (wink wink) }


jamiedelaine said...

Really beautiful! I love quilts. What a great gift. When Brandon and I were younger we had a quilt that my Grandma made pinned on the wall above our bed, sort of like a headboard, it was cute!

Christy said...

Trev and I SO enjoy the one Auntie Marilyn made us for our wedding. They are just beautiful!

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